imputation system

英 [ˌɪmpju(ː)ˈteɪʃən ˈsɪstəm] 美 [ˌɪmpjəˈteɪʃən ˈsɪstəm]




  1. Reconstructing Dual Liability Imputation System of Tort Law: Risk Domain Theory
  2. The author also holds that the principles of imputation of product liability in China is a system which includes negligence liability, warranty liability and strict liability.
  3. To judge whether the act of tort system is perfect and reasonable depends in the large scale on whether its principle of responsibility imputation system has been founded.
  4. The paper analyzes the composition and proof of civil liability of environmental torts, then expounds the shortcomings of the imputation system of environmental torts, it also gives some suggestions.
  5. Imputation principles of spiritual compensation system.
  6. Applying comparative law approaches, the author of this article explores and discusses the different characters in the principles of imputation of product liability between China and the US and presents some suggestions for the flawlessness of the imputation system of product liability in China.
  7. The authors hold that the judicial program for our legal institution of imputation change should be based on our own legal culture, legal system, and the four-crime-elements, and then conform to the system of counts.
  8. At the same time, the right infringement responsibility in China and the establishment of tort liability imputation principle system.
  9. The reality in China decides that we should establish different imputation principle according to different types of marine environment administrative legal responsibility form and establish a diversified system including fault, illegal and risk responsibility principle.
  10. In order to effectively deal with traffic accidents, the causes of the disputes and a series of social problem, it is crucial to establish valid traffic accident responsibility imputation system.
  11. Because the latter from imputation procedural problems, and this paper is intended to the running situation of the system is analyzed and put forward Suggestions.
  12. Based on this, the thesis will study imputation system, burden of proof, constitutive elements, scope of compensation and original reasons of defense of the tort liability one by one.
  13. Achieve the cost data imputation network management; build the system of E card system.
  14. Executive compensation in the world of development is very uneven, the major countries of Western administrative compensation system the principle of the imputation system are also different.
  15. Then, the study analyzed the connotation, extension and imputation principles of early childhood sports accidents. Finally, the study proposed the idea of our child sports policy construction from early childhood education policy of the content, form, system and construction principles.
  16. Imputation system take issue with has been furthermore never discontinuous among them right away, Disregarding being a monism be still dualism also or San Yuan theory, impartial responsibility principle has been the points at issue among them.